The Armenian general Basileios
Los 1983
Basileios Apokapes, vestarches and katepano of Vaspurakan, circa 1055-1065. Seal (Lead, 36 mm, 27.77 g, 12 h). Θ / R/A/C/I-Λ/E/I/O/C Saint Basil standing facing, nimbate, raising his right hand in benediction and holding a book of Gospels in his left hand. Rev. +KЄ R,Θ, / [R]ACIΛЄIⲰ / RЄCTAPXH / S KATЄΠANⲰ / RAACΠPAKA/NIAC TⲰ A/ΠOKAΠH in seven lines, decorations above and below. Jordanov, Corpus II 40-42. Spink 132 (Zacos sale II), 116. A large and impressive seal of great historical interest. Some roughness, otherwise, good very fine.

Basileios, member of the aristocratic Armeno-Georgian family Apokapes (Abu K’ab), had a glorious military career in the second half of the 11th century, eventually rising to the elevated rank of sebastos. Written sources first mention him successfully defending the city of Manzikert during a Seljuk siege in 1054-1055. It is thus to the mid 1050s to early 1060s that seals attesting Basileios as katepano of Vaspurakan such as this one most likely date (the Armenian kingdom of Vaspurakan was ceded to the Byzantines in 1022 by its last king, Senek'erim Yovhannēs). The final stages of Basileios' career were served on the eastern front, where he became part of the entourage of generalissimus Philaretos Brachamios after the catastrophic battle of Manzikert in 1071. In 1078, he became governor (doux) of Edessa, a command he held until his death in 1083.
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1300 CHF
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